Rainbow Communities Tasmania

Organisational Structure

Board of Management
President - Julian Punch - Ph. 0429 396 605 - jpunch@tassie.net.au
Secretary/Treasurer - Brian Doran - bdoran@tassie.net.au
Public Officer - Patrick Shaw
League of Gentlefellows - Social branch of Rainbow Communities Tasmania
COPP Trust - Philanthropic wing
Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council Inc.
National LGBT Health Alliance
Tasmanian Council of Social Services (TasCOSS)
Mental Health Association of Tasmania
Youth Network of Tasmania (YNOT)
LGBTIQ+ State Council
Let's Make A Change
Here are some ways you can contribute:
Volunteers for administration and events are always needed.
To volunteer your very useful skills, please phone 0410 745 773
Donate Online
Every dollar is greatly appreciated and does enormous good for someone, somewhere.
See main menu for our affiliations.
We Need Your Support Today!