Working It Out's Aged Care Volunteer Visitor Scheme is a program that arranges social visits between peer volunteers and LGBT+ elders who receive a federal government aged care package. As you may be aware, LGBT+ elders, particularly those who are "closeted" about their sexuality, are at substantially higher risk of loneliness and isolation.
This program is completely confidential, the contact information being directed to Worthy Starling, WIO's Project Officer, or to WIO's peer organisation. Participants' information is completely de-identified for reporting purposes, and a robust safety evaluation is completed upon intake to protect folks' anonymity.

Service providers commonly imply or state that they don't have any lesbian, gay, bisexual,
trans and/or intersex (LGBTI) clients. However, that is often not the case. Instead, a cycle of invisibility is operating.

This diagram outlines the way the cycle is maintained at an individual/service level (inner circles), and the broader systemic level (outer ring). Both cycles inform and affect the other. This resource was developed by Silver Rainbow for aged care workers, however it can be easily used by other sectors.
Website: Email:
Without explicit inclusive policies, structures and practices, LGBT+ people may feel fearful. In an attempt to protect themselves, many will then hide or modify their identities, bodies, experiences, relationships and/or attractions, rendering themselves invisible. This can lead service providers to assume they don't have any LGBT+ clients and, therefore, that they do not need to consider their needs in service provision, planning and practices.
At a higher policy level there is very little to no data on LGBT+ populations, so there is limited evidence to back the need for services. This means that LGBTI populations are often excluded from policy creation, program implementation and evaluation. When data collection is attempted, questions are often inappropriate and use harmful and/or inappropriate language.
To ensure all LGBT+ clients and communities are included, the onus should not be on LGBT+ people to declare their needs, but on policy-makers and service providers to proactively make changes.

Worthy Starling's regular days of work at WIO are AEDT Mondays 10am-2pm, Tuesdays 10am-2pm, and Thursdays 10am-2pm. These days and times are flexible to accommodate program needs.
If you need an urgent response, please contact or call the WIO office at +61 3 6231 1200.